18 JULI 2020 : Deze eerste dag start met een opening en een presentatie van Stephanie South uit de Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Stephanie werkte jarenlang samen met José Argüelles. Stephanie heeft Kin 185: Rode Slang - Toon 3 . De titel van haar presentatie is 'From Artificial Time tot Telepathic Civilization': Van de kunstmatige tijd naar een telepatische beschaving.

Na Stephanie vertelt Rodrigo Urrea uit Chili (Kin 38, Witte Spiegel - Toon 12 ) over de Wet van de Tijd en over de geschiedenis van de 1 3 manen kalender . Wanique Tehuti Shabazz, (Kin 86 Witte Wereldoverbrugger - Toon 8 ) heeft het ook over de 13 manen kalender als 'A Vehicle of Liberation'': een middel tot bevrijding. Vervolgens kijkt Flaviah Motta uit Argentinië (Kin 228, Gele Ster - Toon 7 ) door de lens van de Wet van de Tijd naar de wereld.

Als laatste spreker op deze eerste dag Jacob Wyatt (Kin 201 Rode Draak - Toon 6 ) uit de Verenigde Staten van Amerika over de 'Foundation for the Law of Time'. Jacob werkt veel samen met Stephanie en is één van de belangrijkste makers van de jaarlijkse 'Traveler’s 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity'.

18 juli


13.22 (18 July)
Blue Resonant Monkey, Kin 111
It's About Time

  • From Artificial Time to Telepathic Civilization Introduction to Timeshift 2020
  • Law of Time and History of the 13 Moons
  • Breaking the Barrier: Releasing Ourselves from the Spell of History. The 13-Moon Calendar - A Vehicle of Liberation
  • Seeing Through the Lens of the Law of Time
  • Foundation for the Law of Time: Ark of Peace through Culture

13.22 (18 July)
Blue Resonant Monkey, Kin 111
It's About Time

From Artificial Time to Telepathic Civilization
Introduction to Timeshift 2020

Presented by Stephanie South, USA
Kin 185, Red Electric Serpent

Stephanie South is a visionary, teacher, healer, and lineage holder of the Galactic Mayan Mind Transmission. She is author of numerous books, including the award-winning Accessing Your Multidimensional Self and her latest: The Uninscribed: Initiation into the Heart of Time. She travels the world, giving talks and workshops, and mentoring numerous people and groups on various facets of Cosmic History, the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. She emphasizes healing ancient trauma, so that we can remember the Original Dream of the heart.

As the protégé of Dr. José Argüelles/Valum Votan, she worked with him for nine years on the Noosphere II project, an exploration into the inner realms of consciousness based on a system of galactic time science. She is co-author with Argüelles of the seven-volume Cosmic History Chronicles and is President of the Foundation for the Law of Time.

Law of Time and History of the 13 Moons

Presented by Rodrigo Urrea, Chile
Kin 38, White Crystal Mirror

Rodrigo is President of the Foundation for the Law of Time in Chile. For the past 28 years, he has served as a teacher, translator, and advocate for Natural Time and Peace through Culture.

Having received teachings directly from Dr. Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan, Rodrigo has been a tireless promoter of the World 13 Moon Peace Movement in Latin America. He organized the seminal 49-day Earth Wizard´s Seminary with Jose and Lloydine Arguelles in Picarquín Chile, 1999. He has traveled throughout Latin America and Europe, participating in congresses and seminars sharing knowledge of the Law of Time, which has now extended to online workshops.

Breaking the Barrier: Releasing Ourselves from the Spell of History. The 13-Moon Calendar - A Vehicle of Liberation

Presented by Wanique Tehuti Shabazz, USA
Kin 86, White Galactic Worldbridger

Wanique Khemi-Tehuti Shabazz is a teacher, healer, lifestyle consultant, radio host, and founder and visionary of Melanin 6, LLC. Wanique serves as Director of Operations at WRFG 89.3 FM. ( Atlanta’s Independent Community Radio Station for Progressive Information.

As a former Board Member of the FLT alongside Dr. Jose Arguelles, Wanique has lectured around the world on the importance of Natural Time relative to the 13 moon 28-day cycle. Having extensively studied the Olmec, Maya, and Indigenous wisdom, Wanique states that one of his missions is to “reignite the memory of our people to their Indigenous Customs and Galactic Culture.”

He was also a facilitator instructor at the Jewel University of Immortal Sciences, founded by Dr. Jewel Pookrum. He was awarded as an “Ambassador for Peace” by The Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace for his work with the Foundation for the Law of Time-Thirteen Moon Calendar Peace Change Movement ( Wanique was instrumental in helping commission the Atlanta City Council to proclaim July 25th as ‘Global Peace through Culture Day’ in commemoration of the “Day Out of Time” (2005).

Seeing Through the Lens of the Law of Time

Presented by Flaviah Motta, Argentina
Kin 228, Yellow Resonant Star

Flaviah Motta is a long-time teacher of 13 Moons and Natural Time and is one of the co-founders of both the Educational Karavan for the New Time and the World Peace Garden in Epuyén, Patagonia (2000-2013). As an original “Earth Wizard,” Flaviah participated in the seven-week Earth Wizard’s Seminary in Picarquin, Chile (2000), and has since educated and activated thousands of people around the world into the harmony of the New Time. She has worked extensively in experiments in new social organizations based on the codes of the Law of Time as it is proposed by The Dreamspell, Cosmic History Chronicles, and other works by Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan.

Foundation for the Law of Time: Ark of Peace through Culture

Presented by Jacob Wyatt, USA
Kin 201, Red Rhythmic Dragon

Jacob Wyatt is Director of Communications for the Foundation for the Law of Time. He is a teacher of the 13 Moons, and all facets of the Law of Time, having shared his knowledge over the last 17 years with thousands of people around the world. Having studied directly with the Founder of the Foundation for the Law of Time, Jose Arguelles, Jacob has also served as his trusted personal assistant since 2003 and now works directly with Stephanie South. Jacob is the chief creator of the annual Star Traveler’s 13 Moon Almanac of Synchronicity, has created countless graphics, and written more than 60 essays via his 13 Moon Calendar Essentials newsletter.