Vandaag, 19 juli 2020, gaat het over HOE je in deze nieuwe tijd kunt leven: How to live The New Time .

Eden Sky spreekt over de Magie van je Kosmische Zelf. Ze heeft zelf Kin 173 en is een Rode Hemelwandelaar - Toon 4 . Toon 4 staat vooral voor structuur, dus ik (zelf Toon 4) ben heel benieuwd wat ze gaat vertellen.En wat denk je van de Heilige Telling van de Geen-Tijd?

Eden Sky, 4 Skywalker, USA - Living the Magic of Your Cosmic Self

Anibal Luporini, 8 Wizard, Brazil - Timespace, Tzolkin and Psychology

Stefania Marinelli, 6 Night, Italy - The Sacred Count of No-Time – A Path to Self Knowledge through the Tzolkin

Reynaldo Alarcón Eljach, 2 Skywalker, Colombia - The Prophecy of the Tel’ek’ton’on, the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition and Current Events

Melissa Osio, 11 Mirror, Italy - Surfing the Wavespell: a Key to Self-Remembrance

19 juli


13.23 (19 July)
Yellow Galactic Human, Kin 112
How to Live the New Time

  • Living the Magic of Your Cosmic Self
  • Timespace, Tzolkin and Psychology
  • The Sacred Count of No-Time - A Path to Self Knowledge through the Tzolkin
  • 13:20 Vibration of Jo
  • Surfing the Wavespell: a Key to Self-Rememberance

13.23 (19 July)
Yellow Galactic Human, Kin 112
How to Live the New Time

Living the Magic of Your Cosmic Self

Presented by Eden Sky, USA
Kin 173, Red Self-Existing Skywalker

Eden Sky is an author, publisher, teacher, poet and Galactic Culture Visionary. She has dedicated her life to sharing the transformative wisdom of Galactic Time. Since 1995, she has created annual Galactic Calendars, based on the teachings of Dr. José Argüelles. As a life-long messenger, Eden is passionate about sharing the purpose and power of living in harmony with natural time through this cosmic calendar system, which is practiced in more than 90 countries.

Eden studied directly under Dr. Arguelles and has attended many international summits focused on Galactic Time, including a 7-week long residential Earth Wizard Seminary. Having also participated in many indigenous ceremonies in both North and South America, Eden's mission is bridging universal teachings of wisdom and compassion with the intelligence of cosmic cycles.

Websites: &

Timespace, Tzolkin and Psychology

Presented by Annibal Luporini, Brazil
Kin 34, White Galactic Wizard

Annibal is a teacher, musician and translator of the Law of Time and 13 Moon calendar. As one of the original “Earth Wizards”, Annibal studied directly with Dr. Jose Arguelles, and has served as his translator in numerous events and conferences in South America. He and his brother, Omar, co-created a Cultural Caravan Project called NOMADES to model and teach the 13:20 way of life. This project evolved into several other Educational Caravans and Peace Gardens Projects in South America.

He currently lives on 14 hectares in the mountains near the sea in Santa Catarina, Brasil with his partner and daughter. Here, he is creating a 13:20 international eco-community called CREST BEN UR EkoSmunity. His vision is to create a Temple of Time that will host teachings of the Law of Time, Synchrogalactic Yoga, and Permaculture to become a model community of self-sustainability. He has also assisted as translator of Arguelles successor, Stephanie South at numerous events.
whatsapp phone +5549999099020.

The Sacred Count of No-Time - A Path to Self Knowledge through the Tzolkin

Presented by Stefania Marinelli, Italy
Kin 123, Blue Rhythmic Night

Stefania is a best-selling author, blogger, and researcher of holistic disciplines in Italy.

Born on the autumn equinox of 1965, Stefania was destined to study the stars. She developed a system called Intuitive Astrology from her many years of studying the Zodiac system ( - in Italian). In 2005 she discovered the Tzolkin and began studying intently the Dreamspell fifth-force oracles.

In 2012 Stefania started her blog to explore galactic culture from the point of view of the Time as Art paradigm. Comparing Planetary Archetypes and Zodiac Signs to Solar Glyphs and Galactic Tones, she found a powerful key to open up the western mind to a broader image of the life and our place in the cosmos. Stefania is about to release her new book: Il Sacro Computo del Non-Tempo - Un Sentiero di Auto-Consapevolezza Attraverso lo Tzolkin (The Sacred Count of No-Time - A Path to Self-Knowledge through the Tzolkin). This book will illustrate her findings on how to enter the galactic vision to ground it in our everyday life.

Instagram: stefiashtalan
Facebook: @stefaniamarinelli23

13:20 Vibration of Joy

Presented by Katarina Prokic, Chile
Kin 79, Blue Magnetic Storm

Katarina is the mother of two wonderful sons, a peace activist, psychologist, author, and translator of books, articles and blogs of PhD Jose Arguelles and Stephanie South. She is also a compassionate healer, being certified as a Reiki master, Munay Ki, Mayan energy healer, and Reconnection practitioner.

As an original “Earth Wizard”, Katarina has tirelessly traveled through the Balkans, South America, and Asia sharing knowledge and giving workshops and talks on various facets of Natural Time and the 13 Moons. She spreads the vibration of love, joy and Galactic culture through her writings and healing treatments. She is about to release her new book: Love in 13:20 Codes, which will detail the history of the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, along with her journey of living the 13:20 vibration of joy.

Surfing the Wavespell: a Key to Self-Rememberance

Presented by Melissa Osio, Italy
Kin 258, White Spectral Mirror

Melissa is a teacher of the Law of Time, raw food nutrition and detoxification, meditation, and yoga.

Melissa left her corporate career in economics to follow the path of the Law of Time. Deeply unhappy in her high-stress job, she received a message from God that said, “You have to save yourself, now.” She heeded the call and left everything, moved to the jungle. Here she experienced many initiations that led her to healing plant medicines that instigated a detoxification process on all levels.

Melissa's mission is to help bring Divine Order back to earth by dissolving limiting patterns, models, and structures of the "12:60 time is money paradigm" and liberate herself and others into the 13:20 paradigm, where Time is Art. She was recognized as being a "Crystal Heart, Messenger of the True Path," by a Lakota Medicine Woman for completing the 4 Vision Quest rites of the holy Lakota Red Walk.